This post might get some of our readers slightly twisted so I will start off by saying that I am a big Nate Longshore fan, both as a player and a person. He has all the skills to be the next great Tedford QB and people who have met him all speak highly of him. He shows great touch on the deep ball, can make the tough throws (deep out to the far hash) and generally calls a good game.
But, seriously, you got to show me more. Longshore is the first QB at

- Games where Longshore put up big numbers:
- Poor games and what we heard afterwards:
Tennessee (last season) - new offense, hostile environment, whole team was unprepared
Washington St - Cal never plays well in Pullman, the wind is crazy up there
Arizona - classic trap game, looking ahead to USC, sun and shadows were affecting play
USC - dominating defense, we tried to establish the run, blah, blah, blah
Colorado St - letdown game, the thin air causes overthrows
So what to make of this? Longshore is right now on the scale between Kyle Boller and Aaron Rodgers. Both Boller and Rodgers were physically gifted QB (Boller more so that Rodgers).
With Boller you expected some great games and some bad games. You never felt confident that he was always going to lead the team to victory. (I think Raven fans would agree on this.)
With Rodgers there was something else. You never thought there would be a bad game and you always thought he would lead the team to victory, no matter the conditions.
This year's
Haven't you pros heard of KEEPING THE SCORE DOWN? Don't abuse the college market, just because CAL has a junior with 80 yard effective range against SOME clubs, 60 against USC, and he'd better stick to working the ranges where he is best, then.
The ball flew, like your meager faith. oooops. the game went fine. like it would, if I played, but without 60 yard Nathan, I must say. But see the Dogs and Ducks, running the QB and handing slick?
I do that, and I sprint left or right, boots too, of course.
LDS has a hedge fund conspiracy dropping on California, since 2001, the DDs in greedia want a stadium that is illegally costed AND funded by now, and they want it illegally built, on the Hayward Fault, right before the alignment of planets with the BLACK HOLE in the center of our galaxy, in 2012.
Stupid is and stupid DOES, CAL.
You can lose everything, for everybody, the way you want MORE, mon! Bark at that Bear, get bit:
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Just give up, Twistnhook - the university is closing and there’s nothing we can do about it!!! We’d all better enjoy the Colorado State game, since apparently it will be the last Cal game before the UC system ceases to exist.
or something.
Comment by Nick — September 6, 2007 @ 7:39 pm
Caveman to Commentator to “Expert Phychiatrist”
I have something to say about that…um…What?!
Comment by moreNCsarecoming — September 6, 2007 @ 8:56 pm
So thats where the dude from Sound and the Fury ended up
Comment by Bay Area Bear — September 7, 2007 @ 12:40 am
I am Bob Gaebler. You are NOT.
I graduated CAL 73, bus. adm. accounting emphasis.
I am SMARTER THAN YOU, and note the comic remark about my ‘invisible father,’ whom YOU had better respect (8/5/07).
YOU are guilty of UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES, punknarok!
Proposition 64, though Arnold and the Chamber of Commerce touted it illegally, to remove our funamental right to class plaintiff status under CBPC, is LAW. City of Berkeley must enforce unfair business practices, where I am now illegally excluded from this. Or City of Berkeley City Attorney must prosecute, in jurisdiction, to defend anyone injured by Berkeley’s charges, the university and the State, with any illegal interests in collusion, some minors.
You want to get tagged for Unruh-ADA-STEP-RICO-and CBPC 17200-17208, for ignoring your illegal but enacted Prop.64.
You can get tagged for seditious conspiracy when the USDOJ picks up on all you PC rats, running around loose like you are all Alberto’s little tobacco can mobsters.
Comment by Bob Gaebler — September 7, 2007 @ 1:22 pm
Moreover, tardonarock looking to get sent to the JOINT for seditious conspiracy, all kinds of bills of attainders went down, since the fat power deals of 2001.
Like I wrote, for the smart people to read when another one gets here or I post this elsewhere, PROP.64 MANDATES CITY OF BERKELEY REMOVAL OF CBPC VIOLATING NUISANCE, WITHIN ITS BORDERS, in jurisdiction of the city attorney, so named as plaintiff’s repsondent in 17204, OR CAN’T YOU READ WHAT YOU WROTE, tardly?
Comment by Bob Gaebler — September 7, 2007 @ 1:28 pm
What ELSE? You ignored I have a US habeas motion, in court, with a denied but viable habeas petition that went 180 days before CSC, without answer by the State, in contempt. So this petition is just about LAW, in the USA.
So, do you want to illegally affect various State custodies AND blab up a load of propaganda, in favor of STEP-RICO takings, while your side is in collusion and CONTEMPT?
You can get tagged with a USDC injunction, and City of Berkeley and the State can get issued orders, not like I have representation, but hassle me over to the law library, and I get out the extraordinary WRITS and order your tits adjusted, girly-man! When you are seditious, you are usually in contempt of process, so smarten up.
Or you can keep up with your smears, and get shut down, and ordered to pay ME and a class, you are injuring, aggravated, in dire proximity.
Comment by Bob Gaebler — September 7, 2007 @ 1:35 pm
Wow, it’s just like all the crap on the walls at Top Dog. In comment form.
Comment by Jason — September 7, 2007 @ 11:29 pm
A reason to seek injunction is the preppies at conspiracy to blog up illegally all get together and troll the www, ILLEGALLY INTERESTED IN ALL PUBLIC ASSETS, in California.
That includes the City of Berkeley, a State client, which must sue YOU and any bloggers acting up enough, to either spell my name wrong and tweak at me with all your illegally interested, riotous dweebs, or kick me off-site, like Bearinsider. Or recruit me for QB and point guard, 55 y.o.:
CAL hoops adds a tall ethicist:
‘Zhang adds to an impressive front line for the Bears that includes returning 6-11 senior center DeVon Hardin, Cal’s fifth all-time leading shot blocker who averaged 10.7 ppg and 8.4 rpg in 11 games last year before being sidelined with a foot injury, and 6-10 forward Ryan Anderson, a Freshman All-American and member of the 2007 Pac-10 All-Freshman squad after contributing 16.3 ppg and 8.2 rpg.
Zhang’s signing also provides insurance, as several Cal post players have incurred significant injuries in recent years, including four different players who had surgery in the last year. In addition to Hardin, they are 7-0 sophomore Jordan Wilkes (knee), 6-10 sophomore Taylor Harrison (knee) and 6-6 junior Theo Robertson (hip). Former big men Leon Powe (knee), Rod Benson (knee) and Sam Rayburn (knee) also missed all or part of seasons since 2004-05.
I have not followed Cal basketball with much compunction, simply because the artist currently known as Ben Braun retains the distinction of injuring all his big men. Hopefully he will take better care of this one, knowing that the wrath of the Red Army could fall on his doorstep. (Not that Berkeley would mind–I fully believe they will be greeted as liberators).’
Too Much Max Zhang! [California Golden Blogs]
7-3 Max Zhang Signs with Cal basketball [CSTV]
Tags: California Golden Bears, college basketball, tall asian men
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Topics: Cal Basketball, UC Berkeley, Sports |
See the 7% fee hike, predictable since the 2001 power deals cooked the books, by Gov. Davis’ announcement to Lay et al, of 20 year deals, tendered Dec.2001-the May-June 2001 nuclear refurbishings, a grid bottleneck, that incited the providers to general grid witholding?
NO YOU DIDN’T, even though NHL struck in 2004 and all the CBAs thereafter mean pro sports AND schools and all service districts are doomed to fail from either or BOTH taints and illegal costs.
What’s all that ethics talk mean?
Before Max gets the ball for the Bears, the school could be forced to CLOSE, for fraud.
You know! The same kind of fraud, the Chinese shoot you for and bill your family 50 cents.
Like this and like that, Building 7 went down easy.
Comment by Bob Gaebler — September 8, 2007 @ 12:28 pm
This dude is trying to replicate the Crispin Glover incident in online form.
Comment by Avinash — September 10, 2007 @ 12:38 am
If you are some kind of funny, 1st-generation dweezy-thuugy thing, you blundered into an area where pro media has some ’splainin’ to do, Jungle Boy!~
To the following addresses, I sent information in good faith, re:
8/8/07 GOLDENBLOGS: CAL stadium plans could force me to seek injunctions, against STEP Act premisis occupation, DURING CURRENT FOOTBALL SEASON!
If you are too tainted to get with the rehabilitation of the now-doomed by taint AND accumulated fraud-funded UC, THEN POLITELY REQUEST REMOVAL FROM MY LIST. Also get away from CAL, forever, if you ask for this, since all on my list KNOW OR SHOULD KNOW ALL FACTS, during fraud, for rehabilitation, relief, and REMEDY, and for injunctions against rioters, here gathered to illegally affect all media, to injure, and to suppress notice of claim by individuals and classes, injured by neglect. is connected with the University, to be sanctioned, for illegal cost-passing, then to suppress all notice of cost-passing, to illegally gather a riot, for dispersal. The conduct of Mr. David Michael shows an interest in the City of Berkeley, the State, and the University of California, in restraining DAVID MICHAEL, despite his interest in the issues, which is tainted and for removal from proximity:
Stop spamming me you fucking cocksucker.
—–Original Message—–
From: Robert Gaebler []
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 1:45 PM
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Bob Gaebler;
Bob Gaebler; USDOJ;;;;;; city council Palo Alto
Cc:;; CIR;
eyewitnessnews abc; aclu; B4CAL@yahoo; Anthony Boskovitch; Marc Buller;
Adriana Burger; Sally CAassemblywomanLieber; wil CADavies; cal; CAL;
CAL; Socal CAL; CAL MAG Cal; newscenter CAL; IFC CAL; cal alumni; cal
alumni; cal alumni; editor Cal Lawyer; calbar; Calbar; CalBarbour;
CalBirgeneau; dca California; ss California; next-ten CaliforniaBudget;
Subject: Read GOLDENBLOGS: CAL stadium plans could force me to seek
injunctions, against STEP Act premisis occupation, DURING CURRENT FOOTBALL SEASON!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bob Gaebler , Bob Gaebler , USDOJ ,,,, [], city council Palo Alto
So be like cool Bombay over here and keep the issues up.
But if you are SEDITIOUS, I get an injunction over unlawful State custody, where your bombay areas are for USDC review.
Comment by Bob Gaebler — September 10, 2007 @ 1:33 pm
Be careful what you wish for.
Nathan is a MORMON, like OLSON, like STEVE YOUNG, an attorney.
They are NOT under contract to us.
They can watch us die in 2008, DDs.
What the hell is everyone talking about??
Whatever bobgnote is taking, I want some too! Yeah baby, welcome to Berkeley!
Also, remember, the QB market in the 2008 draft might be really crowded with Booty, Brennan, Brhom, Henne (well, not so much anymore), etc. out there. Longshore might stay for another year.
I think the problem with him was stated last year as well - he lacks the killer instinct a top-notch QB needs.
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